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The W9PVR Amateur Radio Club will be helping Retreat, WI celebrate their
100th Retreat “World’s Fair” on Saturday September 28, 2019.
Retreat is a small community (population–50?) in southwestern Wisconsin. Retreat used to boast a general store, cheese factory, and feed store. Today, Retreat is best known for the Retreat Sportsman’s Club and Prairie View Elementary School. The school is part of the DeSoto Area Schools and has been recognized as one of the best elementary schools in Wisconsin. The “World’s Fair” includes a truck and tractor pull, horse show, chicken-q,dance, and the famous two-way parade. The parade goes through the community, turns around and comes back a second time.

PVR will be hold a special event station under the call W9R.
We will be on 20 and 40 meters. with voice, CW, PSK31, & FT8.

To receive QSL card, please send SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to
Ralph Hendrickson, S6509 Cty Rd J, Viroqua, WI 54665.
To receive pdf certificate by email, please send
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The day started out cool, but warmed up some as the sun came up.
KC9CMD Chris kanable, KC9LBO Ralph Hendrickson, & W9JR Dick Neumann were all present for the special event. Dick worked CW but band conditions weren’t the best. Ralph and I both worked SSB on 40 & 20 meters with little luck as band conditions weren’t the best there either. We also worked FT8 on 20 and 40 meters, with somewhat better luck. We had a few visitors to our stations. The view of other events wasn’t bad either, with us being positioned not to far from the end of the twin pulling tracks.

Photos from Retreat

our post for tying off the 20 & 40 Meter long wire antennas

Flying the USA Flag high while tying off the other end of the long wire antennas.

Another Antenna mast off of the back of Ralph’s camper

Ralph’s 40 meter low to the ground antenna. that’s vary portable

Our set up outside of Ralph’s camper with the FT8 Station on the right & the SSB Station on the left, with Ralph working a contact on FT8.

Dick working CW from the PVR Communications Trailer

Ralph Checking in with Dick on how CW is going.

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