The PURPOSE of the PVR organization
…is to promote the interest of and active participation in amateur radio, emergency communications and public service, and to recruit, train, and maintain a crew of Amateur Radio Operators who are ready to furnish communication services in a time of need.
…is to offer our members a means of demonstrating and sharing their knowledge, skills, and experiences in Amateur Radio with others, which is accomplished through support of local and national Amateur Radio events and drills, conducting licensing classes, and training in emergency communications procedures.
What is amateur radio?
Amateur radio is such a diverse topic that it is impossible to explain in one paragraph. The hobby consists of people who like to communicate and learn about the various methods involved in establishing two-way radio communications.
Have you ever wanted to talk to someone in another country to discover what it was like to live there? Amateur radio is your gateway to that dream. Using radio equipment, the amateur operator is able to accomplish this task that might otherwise seem impossible or expensive. Amateur radio allows you to talk to others using voice (radiotelephony), data, Morse code, packet radio and digital modes such as PSK31. The possibilities of amateur radio are endless.
What is the amateur service?:
The amateur service is established not only in America under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), but globally under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
The amateur service exists for those people who wish to communicate without any pecuniary interest. It provides opportunities for licensed operators not only to communicate but also to learn about electronics and radiocommunication and to help with communications during emergencies.
What is PVR ARC?
The Pine Valley Repeater Amateur Radio Club (PVR) was reactivated in June of 2004 after many years of inactivity. Four licensed ham operators got together to do what was necessary to get the Club up and running. They are: Bob Naegele (W9MZ), Dick Neumann (W9JR), Mike Kaufman (WB9SLI), and Chris Kanable (KC9CMD). Since that time, the organization has grown to a roster of 40 licensed Amateur Radio operators.
PVR was restablished to promote the hobby of Amateur Radio. The Club has a repeater station located at one of the highest points in Richland County (WI) which any licensed Amateur Radio operator may use to communicate with other hams. Courtesy of Ron/Beth Fruit of WRCO, our antenna is near the 300′ mark on their new tower which enables our signal to be heard in a many mile radius in all directions.
The Club is also dedicated to helping new members become licensed by providing materials and assistance to study for amateur license exams. Classes are conducted periodically in order provide the necessary expertise for anyone wishing to become an Amateur Radio operator the opportunity to do so. The Club also works to increase awareness of the amateur service in the community by providing Storm Spotters during times of hazardous weather.
Why should I join PVR?
The reasons for joining PVR varies from person to person. PVR provides opportunities to learn about radio communications, electronics, and the amateur service as well as becoming a licensed operator and communicating with like-minded individuals locally, around the state and nation, and in foreign countries. The field of amateur radio is extremely diverse and can teach anyone skills and lessons to last a lifetime.
The best part of PVR is the fact that you do not need an Amateur Radio license in order to join. PVR provides anyone interested in learning a “new language” the opportunity to do so. If there is interest in learning Morse code, for instance, a skilled instructor will teach that language to you.
If community service is your area of interest, PVR also provides an an opportunity to serve as communicators for community events, and to serve as storm spotters (SKYWARN).
Who can join PVR?
Anyone who has an interest in radio communication, electronics, or the amateur service. No radio license is required to be a member, though being licensed does allow you to use the Club’s equipment during events and activation for storm spotting.
Several “Elmer’s” are available to help you if you wish to obtain your license. The Club desires to help you to achieve your goal through the provision of study aids and interaction with licensed amateur radio operators, the “Elmer’s”.
PVR also conducts periodic licensing classes for those wishing to obtain their entry level license (Technician), or to upgrade to higher level licenses. After reading this, if you would like to obtain your license, please contact Any club member, (scroll down for contact information) for details. From experience, you’ll be glad you did.
How can I join PVR?
If you are interested in finding out more about PVR or amateur radio in general, then please feel free to attend a meeting and ask us in person, send us an email, or even a telephone call will do. We especially encourage you to attend a PVR meeting which are held the 2nd Monday of every month beginning at 7:00 pm.
The date and time of our next meeting can be found on the Home Page of our website. We are more than happy to answer your questions.
If you wish to join PVR, whether or not you are a licensed Amateur Radio operator, you can download our membership form here. Once complete, please email to
Who can become a licensed amateur radio operator?
Anyone, except representatives of foreign nations, may obtain an amateur radio license from the FCC. The only requirement is that you pass one or more examinations, depending on what license level you seek to obtain. One can always go and take additional exams to upgrade ones license, however, so there is no limitation of growth.
As one of our goals states, PVR is dedicated to helping members become licensed. Getting a license does not mean you have to get a radio of your own, because Club members may use the Club’s radio equipment that they are licensed to use. This is one of the greatest advantages of working with a club, rather than working by yourself.
As a club, PVR has equipment that most people could not easily get for themselves, such as repeaters, which extend the range of communications capable by small, low-power, portable devices, or a HF band transceiver that can be used to make contacts around the world.
Who can I contact for more information?
There are many ways to get in touch with us. Feel free to reach out to any of our club members listed under the members page; attend one of our regular meetings; or send us an email at
The club is affiliated with the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League). Founded in 1914, the ARRL has more than 150,000 members. The ARRL not only reflects the commitment and the enthusiasm of many American hams, but also provides leadership as the voice of Amateur Radio in the USA, whether in dealings with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), the World Administrative Radio Conference, the International Amateur Radio Union, or with the general public. Being a member of the ARRL is important to hams! You can obtain more ARRL information here.