Pine Valley Repeater
Richland County ARES/RACES
Rescheduled Monthly Meeting April 20 -2021
Virtually via Zoom
Members present: KC9CMD Chris Vice President, KC9LBO Ralph Treasure, W1MOZ David, KC9MRV Adam, WB9SLI Mike, KC9HHF Linda, KC9MRW Neil, KD9POL Rodney
Guest: WB9SBD Joe
Meeting called to order about 7:03pm by KC9CMD Chris Vice President
Meeting minutes from March 16, Motion to approve as received by Ralph Adam 2nd approved.
Treasurer Report: Mike Made motion Dave 2nd Approved
May Net control: Chris Kanable (8:30 pm net trial time)
A Moment of silence was held for Club Member, Friend, and now Silent Key Roger Nicholson KC9HHH
ARES/RACES ID: Chris & Adam Talked about the importance of getting the forms filed out and returned. We have a few returned and will get what we have received in to be processed soon.
PVR Recap:
Club President Report: Elections will be held for open positions when we start back to in person meetings.
Club Dews for 2021. Dews are due and can be sent to the PVR Treasure Ralph KC9LBO @ S6509 County Road J Viroqua Wi. 54665
Please send them in ASAP thanks.
D Star Repeater project: Mike WB9SLI talked about the project moving forward. With a few bumps in the road. A replacement server has been purchased and is in Baraboo to get set up then back to RC for testing. Mike, Ralph & Chris were at the Tower Hill site on Saturday to look over what needs to be done for getting power and Internet to the other building and it was determined an electrician should be contacted to do the installation of the power.
PVR Net time was also discussed as we have some members who get up early on Mondays for work. It was voted on to try 8:30pm for the month of May, then review at the June meeting and decide whether or not to leave it at 8:30pm or go back to 9:00pm or another time.
Returning to in person meetings: It was discussed and decided that Chris will check on the status of a return date for meeting at the EOC. It was also decided after discussion that when we return to in person meetings that we will also continue to use Zoom so if people can’t make the meeting, they may be able to attend virtually.
Field day which is June 26 & 27 was discussed and it was voted that PVR will not have a field day site but we were invited by Joe WB9SBD to Join Yellow Thunder ARC for there field day. Their Field Day Info can be found on their Web site. Adam also said that we would also be welcome to attend Mississippi Valley ARC as well.
A lengthy discussion about grants was talked about. After a talking about the Aliant Energy Grant and the We Energy grant it was decided to proceed with one grant at a time and the We Energy grant was selected. After talking about various equipment, the club would like to use the grant for, it was decided to apply for the Icom 7300 radio and accessories. With Adam making the motion and Ralph 2nd motion carried. Linda who has done some of the preliminary work for the grant will proceed in writing the grant.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday May 18 7:00pm on Zoom with the Zoom Room opening around 6:00 pm for testing equipment and or socializing.
Meeting was adjourned about 8:30pm Less made motion Mike Seconded motion carried.
Meeting minutes by: Chris KC9CMD