Pine Valley Repeater 

Richland County ARES/RACES

Monthly Meeting 12-15-2020

Virtually via Zoom

Members present:  kc9cmd Chris Vice President, KB9LBO Ralph Treasurer, W1MOZ David, KC9GPD Glen, Ralph Ray, KC9MRW Neil, KA9USV Les, KC9MLE Matt

Meeting called to order about 7:15pm by KC9CMD Chris Vice President

Treasurer Report: WCCU Checking Account: $1,789.91

$10.00 Check was written to Brent W9CFV as he paid the club incorporation fee to the state.

January Net control: KC9LBO Ralph

December 31st New Years Eve:  9pm net: KC9CMD  12:00 Midnight: KC9CMD

2021 Events:  Ideas can be submitted but will be on hold till the spring and see what or how every thing is doing with the virus.

ARES/RACES ID’s are do to expire:  Chris & Adam will be sending out a form for ARES/RACES compliant operators to fill out and return along with a shoulder up (head shot) for the new IDS. If you’re not sure you are ARES/RACES Compliant get ahold of Chris KC9CMD or Adam KC9MRV.

Fundraisers:  Culver’s share night was discussed along with the possibility of getting a grant.   Any other Ideas are always welcome.

Club Dues. Dues are due by the end of January and can be sent to the PVR Treasure Ralph KC9LBO @ S6509 County Road J Viroqua Wi. 54665

D Star Repeater project:  Mike WB9SLI gave a short presentation on the D Star project how it came about and were it is at, at this point, and how it is set to proceed.

Next meeting will be on Tuesday January 19 7:00pm on Zoom with the Zoom Room opening around 6:00 pm for testing equipment and or socializing.

Meeting was adjourned about 7:58pm Les made motion Ralph Seconded motion carried. Submitted by: Chris KC9CMD VP

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