SKYWARN Amateur Radio Recognition Day 2016 was held on Saturday, December 3rd – a day set aside to celebrate and recognize the contributions amateur radio operators provide to the National Weather Service (NWS). SKYWARN Recognition Day began in 1999 as a ‘Y2K’ exercise but has continued since.

A total of 26 people visited our office on a cool, cloudy day with snow flurries around. Several operators made contacts with people around the U.S. (and World!), sharing contact and current weather information.  There were three (3) radios and antennas operating for much of the day.

Here is a summary:

  • Total contacts made: 200
  • Total U.S. States contacted: 39
  • Total NWS offices contacted: 33
  • Total International countries contacted: 3

Making local contacts on NWS service area local repeaters

Making local contacts on NWS service area local repeaters

Camaraderie abounded

Camaraderie abounded






Myself (KC9CMD) working with ECHO Link & IRLP

Myself (KC9CMD) working with ECHO Link & IRLP


Map of Contacts made

Map of Contacts made in Yellow

May Amateurs working hard but having fun making contacts

May Amateurs working hard but having fun making contacts


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